Ways to Show Someone You Care About Them
It’s important to show loved ones you care about them. Sometimes, you might imagine there’s no need because they should simply know. But, even if you’ve had a relationship with them for a long time, it’s still valuable to relay your affection. When you show you care, the bond between you strengthens and you crush any doubts that you hold them in
positive regard.
How to show someone you care:
Focus on what’s important to them
You convey your interest in someone when you focus on what’s important to them. Your attention to their likes and dislikes expresses your wish to support their happiness, and your attention suggests you find them likable.
So, if someone you care for is passionate about saving wildlife or painting, take an interest in these topics. Ask them about the plight of dwindling species or what they like to paint and why. You’ll learn more about them and show
you care.
Practice active listening
People rarely listen well to one another. They are too busy thinking about what they want to say. Or their minds wander to another subject like what they want to do later. Just as not being listened to makes people feel unloved, listening attentively helps them know you care about them.
Give people your full attention when they speak. Note their body language, what they say, and their tone of voice. Imagine what you might feel if you were in their shoes and let them speak without interrupting them.
Remember little details
Has anyone ever remembered little details about you like your favorite color or why you love your favorite movie? No doubt, if they did, it warmed your heart because you understood it meant they cared
for you.
Show you care by making a mental note of the little intrinsic things someone mentions about themselves. They may seem trivial to you, but recalling them demonstrates your affection.
Give support
Supporting someone when they need it can help them in practical and emotional ways. It can make them realize how much you care too. Knowing you are there for them when they are
at their lowest point gives them courage and shows affection.
Give someone who needs your support extra attention. Stay in contact often and ask them what you can do to help. Be available if they need your time and energy when you can, and let them know you care by being thoughtful.
Stay connected
You might not always be able to see the people you care about in person, but you can still connect. There are several ways to stay in touch. Phone them, email, or use Skype. Or join classes and carry them out together via Zoom. Don’t underestimate the power of old-fashioned snail mail, too. It’s heartening to receive a friendly letter through the post.
Show the real you
You might not have considered being your authentic
self shows you care. But people can sense when you hide essential qualities. It sends the message you don’t trust them enough to reveal the actual you.
Let people you care about see the sincere version of you so they can connect with you. Tell them when you’re upset so they can be supportive and share your hopes and dreams.
Offer spontaneous kindness
You don’t need a reason to be kind when you want to show how much you care about someone. Act with unprompted kindness now and then. Give them flowers or a potted plant “just because.” Or send an unexpected gift purchased when you were out of town for the day. Or leave an encouraging or loving note for them to find.
Spend quality time together
The amount isn’t as significant as the quality of time you spend with someone. Avoid multitasking when you’re together. Constant phone checking, for instance, signals lack of care and attention. The message is you find your phone or the people you communicate with on it more interesting. Stick with the person you’re with if you go out together too. If you meet new people,
introduce them to your companion rather than flit around the room like a lone butterfly.
Share resources
You need not always share resources with someone to show you care, but sometimes it’s fun, kind, or appropriate because that’s what people who are close do. Some resources are material such as money or food. Others are practical, like physical help, or spiritual. You can also show you care by sharing knowledge. Teaching someone skills like cooking or gardening, for example, is a valuable gift.
Give validation and acceptance
When you validate someone, you accept them as they are, and you acknowledge their views and emotions. You accept their account of what happens knowing their experience is personal and legitimate, even when yours differs.
It helps to give positive feedback too. Let people know how they affect you. If they lift your mood or help you, or you just appreciate them for being themselves, say so to demonstrate appreciation.
There are many ways to show someone you care about them. They involve giving attention and being thoughtful and generous. One of the terrific things about caring is it’s a win-win practice. When you give, you also receive. Happy hormones flood your system and your relationships blossom.