The Untethered Cook
I like to believe we all strive to stay true to ourselves, to our own path. It is very easy to get pulled by others’ opinions and the need for approval, even if it comes from our own striving for perfection. This applies to all paths, cooking as well.
My philosophy of cooking with the seasons allows for inspiration, rather than motivation. Where does inspiration come from? What does it mean to be motivated?
Inspiration is something that you feel on the inside, a sudden creative wonderful idea, while motivation is something from the outside, that compels us to take action. Inspiration is a driving force, while motivation
is a pulling force.
Inspiration is designed to help us get in touch with that inner knowing, and encourage us to celebrate the wondrous and precious gifts nature has given us. It’s a map, a guide, to help us along the way.
I keep this reminder on my kitchen vision board, to remind me of the place I am creating from. This allows for authenticity.
My inspiration comes from an ingredient grown in healthy soil that each season has to offer. Cooking in this way brings us what our bodies need, crave and deserve. It is the recipe for all the pleasures of the table.
Whether you are a serious artist, or a weekend amateur, remaining untethered to any expectation allows for a spontaneous, heartfelt expression of our own unique beauty.
We all deserve a treat now and again… My Raw Blueberry Pie is a summer healthy indulgence. Blueberries are in season in NC through August.
To your good health…
If you are a curious cook, join me on my Radio Show ~ “A taste for All Seasons”
We explore the world of food, with the philosophy of eating with the seasons.
And… as always, l will be sharing cooking tips, seasonal shortcuts and kitchen essentials that will make your life easier in the kitchen.
Visit: A Taste for All Seasons Show Page @ WPVMFM.ORG and listen to the July show, for a delicious conversation with farmer Gaelan Corizine of Green Toe Ground Farm.
It airs on the last Saturday of every month at 11 am, on WPVM FM 103.7 in Asheville, NC.
Laurie Richardone is a seasonal gluten free chef and certified health coach.
For more information, visit LaurieRichardone.com
For scheduled Cooking Classes in Asheville, Visit: