The Pretty Poinsettia
Is there any other flower that says “Christmas” more than a poinsettia? I grew up in Florida and remember our poinsettia plant; it was at least five feet tall! My siblings and I picked the blooms with little care of the “milk” that leaked from the stems and ran down our arms. I was later told that the leaves and liquid are poisonous, but according to the National Poison Center in Atlanta, Georgia, that folklore is fortunately false. While the sticky liquid may cause skin irritation, and eating an abundance of the leaves can cause stomach irritation, the plant is not poisonous for humans or animals.
Here are a few true facts about the pretty red-leafed plant ~
Dr. Joel Roberts Poinsett, an amateur botanist and first United States ambassador to Mexico, discovered the dazzling red colored shrub and sent cuttings to his home in Greenville, South Carolina. December 12 is National Poinsettia Day in honor of Dr. Poinsett. He died on December 12, 1851.
The red we see is actually not the flower, but the leaves. The flower is the yellow cluster of buds in the center. When purchasing a poinsettia plant, look for clusters of buds that have not yet opened.
Red is the most popular color, but you can also find pink, white, apricot, salmon, yellow, variegated, speckled, or marbled varieties.
Red is also considered to be a symbol of purity. In Mexico, the red poinsettia is called the “Flower of the Holy Night.”
California is the top producer of the poinsettia plant, but North Carolina comes in at a close second.
In tropical climates, the poinsettia can grow to over 12 feet high, and leaves can measure six to eight inches across.
The red leaves can be used as a natural dye for fabric.
Poinsettias can be a bit persnickety requiring proper light, water, and temperatures. Avoid hot or cold drafts; keep the soil moist, but not soggy; keep the temperature around 60 to 70 degrees; and place your plant where it will get sufficient natural light.
Over 80% of poinsettias are purchased by women. Sounds like a good idea. I think I’ll go purchase a pretty pink poinsettia. 🙂