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If you’re looking to shed some fat, tone up, and improve your overall health and fitness, then you should be using the best cardio exercises for losing weight. While all forms of physical activity can help you break a sweat and lose weight, some are particularly effective when it comes to burning calories even in a short workout.
Even if you’re not looking to lose weight, these exercises can help you with all kinds of fitness goals, whether you’re trying to boost your energy levels or get in peak shape to compete in a sport. What’s more, there’s a suitable exercise for everyone, so whether you enjoy working out at home, at the gym, or out in nature, there’s a perfect cardio workout for you. Here are 8 of the best cardio exercises for losing weight and improving your fitness.
Running is by far one of the best exercises for losing weight and boosting your fitness. Even a quick 20-minute run can help you burn hundreds of calories while enhancing your cardiovascular health and helping to tone up your thighs and calves.
The best thing about running is that you can adapt your running workouts to suit you. Those who enjoy exercising indoors can run on a treadmill whereas those who enjoy the great outdoors can run around local parks and trails. You can also go for a high-intensity run by alternating between sprinting or jogging or simply run at a
moderate pace for a longer time.
Swimming is another one of the best cardio exercises overall. You get to use your entire body, helping you tone up your legs, arms, and core while also burning plenty of calories. Plus, even on a hot day, a swim in the pool can help you feel cool and refreshed while you work out.
Of course, you’ll need access to a pool. You might be able to find a free public pool in your area or you might need to pay for a membership to your local leisure center.
Either way, swimming for around 20 to 30 minutes a few times a week will help you get in excellent shape.
Jump Rope
Jump rope is often underrated as far as cardio exercises go. Many people prefer to run, cycle, or swim, but a 10-minute high-intensity jump rope workout is just as effective as 30 minutes of jogging.
Another perk of jump rope is that you can do it pretty much anywhere. All you need to buy is a jump rope and you can perform your workouts in your garden, in your front yard, or even at the local park. Within 10 minutes, you’ll feel the burn and it’ll also help you build your calf muscles.
Cycling is another top-notch cardio workout that you can perform indoors or outdoors. There are plenty of affordable exercise bikes on the market and you can also find plenty in the gym. However, some people will find it more rewarding to cycle around parks and trails to enjoy nature while they burn calories.
Much like running, you can cycle at whichever pace suits you. To burn calories and boost your metabolism quickly you could do a 20-minute high-intensity cycling workout with bursts of sprinting. Alternatively, you could go on a long, moderately-paced bike ride around the neighborhood for a relaxing yet rewarding workout.
If you want to burn calories without even feeling like you’re working out, dancing is a great option. Dancing isn’t just an excellent cardio exercise, but it’s also an incredibly fun activity that allows you to let loose and get your whole body involved.
For a quick home workout, you might want to look up dance routines on YouTube and practice them in your bedroom. Alternatively, you might want to take a dance class at your local gym to burn hundreds of calories while having fun and meeting new people.
Circuit Training
Circuit training is a type of training that involves performing a circuit of simple yet effective exercises. For instance, you might do a minute of bodyweight squats followed by a minute of star jumps, push-ups, mountain climbers, crunches, and lunges, before performing the same circuit of exercises again.
One of the best things about circuit training is that you can involve various exercises that help you build muscle while simultaneously burning calories. You can even get a full-body workout by involving upper-body and lower-body exercises. You can find plenty of cardio circuits on YouTube if you’re not sure where to start.
Rowing is another one of the best cardio exercises that will give your whole body a workout. While taking a rowboat on the river isn’t a practical option for most people, practically every gym will have plenty of rowing machines for you to use. You can even buy a rowing machine for your home.
Even a 20-minute high-intensity rowing workout can help you burn 300 calories or more. However, you might want to go at a slower pace while you listen to music or a podcast. Not only will you burn fat, but you’ll also build your biceps, back, and legs while you row.
Stair Climbing
Stair climbing is another popular exercise for those who want to burn calories and get in shape. While you could run up and down the stairs in your apartment building, it’s much better to use a stair climbing machine at the gym, especially as these machines allow you to adjust the speed and intensity of your workout.
You’ll feel the burn quickly when you perform a climbing workout. Not only will you feel yourself sweating off the calories, but you’ll also give your leg muscles an excellent workout. This makes it one of the best cardio workouts for burning fat while also toning your legs.
If you’re looking to lose weight, these amazing cardio exercises are perfect for burning calories. Not only that, but they’ll also help you tone your muscles, improve your heart health, and enhance your overall fitness levels. Find one that works well for you and stick to it. Within a few weeks, you’ll already notice a positive change in the way your body looks and feels.