Start the day with a nourishing nutrient rich green drink. Add a banana for a kid friendly smoothie.
Serves 2
2 cups organic spinach, or kale
1-2 cups nut milk or coconut milk, recipe for nut milk below
1 tsp. grated turmeric
1 tsp. grated ginger
pinch of black pepper
2 tbsp. hemp seeds, or chia seeds
1/2 tsp. cinnamon,or cardamom
2 medjool dates, pitted, or fresh berries
1 granny smith apple, cut into pieces (to replace other fruit, this is lower in sugar)
1 cup hot filtered water, in cooler weather for blanching greens
Add On ~ For gut health, add 1/2 cup goat yogurt
1 tbsp.raw cacao nibs, optional
Optional: Pour hot water just before boiling over spinach or kale. It is good for digestion.
Add to a high powered blender with all the other ingredients. Blend well.
Homemade nut milk: 1 cup of raw nuts such as almonds, cashews,or macadamia nuts, soaked overnight in filtered water. Drain. Add soaked nuts to a high power blender with four cups of fresh water. Add a pinch of sea salt, and a dash of vanilla. Blend well. Keep refrigerated for up to 5 days. If nuts are not your thing, make hemp milk. (1 cup organic hemp seeds, 4 cups filtered water, pinch of salt, ½ tsp. Vanilla) Blend very well.
For Almond milk, you might want to pour it through a cheesecloth or sieve, for creamy milk. Press down with a wooden spoon. Discard remaining pulp. If using a Vitamix, omit
this step.